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5分鐘簡易香蕉杏仁醬多士 Easy Almond Butter Banana Toast in 5 minutes!!



If you don't have much time in the morning and you want a clean eating breakfast at the same time? Here's the best recipe for you to whip up. It is totally fine if you are new to the kitchen, just follow the steps and all you need are down below!!



- Jarjumbo 杏仁醬 / 10-15g

Jarjumbo Almond Butter/ 10-15g

- 全麥多士 / 2 片

Whole-grain bread/ 2 slice

- 香蕉 / 1條

Banana/ 1

- 蜜糖 / 1茶匙

Honey/ 1 teaspoon

步驟 Methods:

第一步 Step 1:

烘焗全麥多士 Toast your bread.

第二步 Step 2:

於多士上塗上Jarjumbo的杏仁醬(個人推薦杏仁醬最夾多士) Spread the Jarjumbo nut butter (personally prefer almond butter) on the toast.

第三步 Step 3:

將香蕉切成一小片放在多士上 Slice the banana into small pieces, then put it all on the top of the toast gently.

第四步 Step 4:


Add toppings, a drizzle of honey, and a sprinkle of cinnamon, then it is all done!!

Enjoy your toast and have a good day!!

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